With Push Talk, you can connect with new clients in ways you never have before
The ONLY thing you need to do is sign up - we provide the rest
Claim as many or as few appointments as you like
Work from home, the office, or anywhere in the world
Our app is entirely browser based, and can be used from any device
Pick and choose your hours and your appointments
Create your
Sign up for an account and be activated within minutes
Select your
Choose appointments based on time and field of therapy
Speak to your
Video chat with your clients in your browser - no downloads!
Join hundreds of other counsellors making new client connections
How secure is this service? Will my consultation be confidential?
Your consultation will be completely confidential - the same as if you were speaking to a client in your own office. And with SSL technology encrypting and protecting your information, you can be sure of the privacy of any information transmitted through Push Talk.
How do I connect to clients?
Our dashboard shows a list of available appointments made by clients looking for advice, along with the area of therapy they are looking for advice in, and the timeslot they have booked the appointment for. You can 'claim' a booking from a client and, at the time of the appointment, begin a video consultation with that client via the dashboard application, speaking to the client and offering any care they require. Once the appointment is over, simply end the appointment and you can begin the next.
What can I give advice on?
Push Talk focuses on the following counselling areas: Educational, Marriage and Family, Mental Health, Rehabilitation and Substance Abuse. When booking an appointment, a client can choose from those categories as their appointment subject. However, clients can also choose Other if none of those categories suit their predicament. So areas of counselling you can advise on are not limited, it just comes down to each individual client.
How will this help my firm?
It is inevitable that a clients problems require more than just a 15 minute consultation, and we encourage counsellors to offer personal contact options with clients they are unable to help fully during their booked appointment slot.